Activate your power within, achieve inner peace, remain centered and calm in times of uncertainty, and transcend limiting thought patterns.
1 Day(s) for $125

Bio-Well Energy Assessment Mississippi
Engage in your own personal process of discovery and awakening through the guided exploration of expanded awakening classes Mississippi.
Journey easily into expanded states of consciousness supported by powerful audio technology. Shift to a deeply peaceful state as you experience the benefits in the very first guided exercise.
Experience a greater overview of your life. Connect with your true essence, and consciously experience your expansive nonphysical Self. Heighten your awareness and perception as you learn to access your untapped inner-guidance to realize a more meaningful and fulfilling life.
Gain clarity about your life purpose. From a heightened vantage point, recognize limiting patterns in your life and create new ones. Bring into reality the life you desire.
Learn how to achieve these expanded states quickly and easily on your own after the Awakening Workshops Fulton to maximize the benefits of this practical and empowering workshop in your everyday life.
We offer our services and workshops in the following locations in Mississippi - Fulton, Tupelo, Itawamba County, Booneville, Corinth, NE Mississippi, Southaven, and Amory.
Also, in Hamilton and NW Alabama.